By Donating to JFI we do everything in our power to help the less fortunate.

Our Officers

I see difficulties in the world everyday. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be hungry and it’s a shame a country as great as ours should. With the desire in my heart, I am looking to make a difference in our world and I believe that by focusing on our communities, we’re going to make the most substantial impact. The world is made up of these social connections and if you foster them positively, they’ll pay huge dividends – in love, care and a better world.
(This Foundation was born in memory of my loving son Jeremiah who; at the age of 12, died in a car accident. His smile, loving arms and his music lingers in me forever and beyond)
Eve Parry-Jones
Founder/CEO - B.S.B.A.
I swear every good thing that has happened to me is because after you were taken from us, you went back into the folds of the universe and you made sure that I would be okay. I will never ever take for granted the good things that come my way because I know you’re out there protecting me like you did when you were still alive.
I wake up grateful every day because of you.
I will never stop honouring your memory.
I will never stop missing you.
I will never stop loving you.
EVERY MOMENT OF MY LIFE you are thought of. My big brother Jeremiah.
Maresha Chiong
Matthew Parry-Jones
Trampus Cody Smith
Board of Director
Lisa is a Registered Nurse for over 30years. She is an active member of Montebello United Methodist Church. “As a Christian Nurse, I want to make a difference by helping families especially hungry children in vulnerable areas. I believe that there shouldn’t be a child of GOD that goes hungry. The bible says in Proverbs 29:7 “The righteous considers the cause of the poor; but the wicked does not understand such knowledge”.
Lisa Mendoza
Board of Director